Sunday, December 26, 2010

Chapter 1

A murky figure lingured in the depth of the shadows, waiting on their prey to let down its gaurd.
Pacing, crouched to the ground it took short breaths of thick midnight air.
Finally, the horse dropped her head and went on grazing, so its prowler siezed the moment and howled. A deathly, blood curdling howl at the crisp moon.
The little cream horse threw its head into the air and squealed. The yellow eyed wolf pounded the ground and snapped at the horses trembling legs.
The mare galloped across the night field, blood racing hot through her veins.
The wolf covered ground quickly, zeroing in on its target.
Fast at her heels, the wolf barked again to its pack. The other members of the equine herd heard the sound of their mate galloping away and began running away from the wolves, who were by this time close to the rest of the herd.
The horses galloped, eyes rimmed in white,their minds clouded by fear.
The horse was bloody at the hocks at belly, her energy running low.
Thankfully, the lead stallion reared in the direction of the pack of wolves and came thudding down against the hard-packed, dry dirt. He snapped the air and squealed. The wolf backed off, then came snapping and snarling again.
The big, pure white stallions eyes didnt have fear in them at all.
He turned and blew a kick, which was returned by a bite to the flanks by the wolf.
The white stallion jumped away from the pain, but it stuck with him. He turned and fought the wolf.
The stallion reared and came pounding on top of the wolf.
The wolf yelped, then lay limp and lifeless, while the rest of the pack ran quickly away from their aggresser.
The white stallions sides were heaving, his coat streaked with sweat and blood.
He trotted back to his herd and circled them, making sure they were all there.

Willow Armstrong was fast asleep in her bedroom of the white farm house, secluded in a valley of Cody, Wyoming.
Willow was 16, tall, with black hair, pale white skin, and blue eyes to top it off.
A lightening bolt split the night sky open. Willow startled awake.
Thunder crashed shortly after.
The blistering rain slashed at the windows, begging to come inside.
Willow was sitting up in bed, staring out of the windows that lined the outside wall.
She was breathing hot musky, late spring air.
A crisp whinny sounded the air. It was a lonely whinny.
Willow rolled out of bed and crept to the window.
A little cream horse was lying on the ground, looking pained and lonely.
Willow pulled on some shoes and made her way down the creaky attic stairs.
She opened the front door, and stepped into the night air.
Searching, she did not find the horse again.

The horse trotted off into the night air, away from to big structure it had come upon and stumbled down in front of.
Her knees started to buckle again, and she could feel the foal moving inside her.
Her sides were still bloody from the run-in with the wolves, but that was the least of her problems.
As she lay, the front legs of the foal began to come through.
Her sides were sweaty and heaving, a lightening bolt crashed and thunder bombed the area.
The mare squealed and tried to stand. Her knees were weak and her head was spinning. She pushed harder, the foals head came out. The little mare layed down again.
Then she pushed harder. The foal wouldnt come out. It was stuck.
FInally, after twenty minutes of harsh labor, the foal came out.
The mare stood on shaky legs, nudging her foal.
It was a still born.
The mare trot around the dead foal and whinnied. She'd lost her herd, and now her foal.
The mare was restless, whinnying, hoping that her foal would jump to life any second.
Another crash of lightening split the air, which was now lit by dawn sunlight.
A rainbow apeared into the western sky. A rainbow of promise.
But just as she bent her head to sniff the foal, a dark figure came lurking towards her.
Her head shot up that instant. The wolf flashed through her mind.
She stepped in front of her foal to protect it.

Willow heard it again. A whinny from the far east.
She began moving through the early morning, dawn coming with little light.
The rain began to lighten, but it was still blinding.
Up ahead she saw a horse, trotting around a dark figure on the wet ground.
"Hey girl," Willow whispered softly as she reached the scene.
Willow saw the mare step in front of the blob of darkness. It must of been a foal.
But it looked lifeless.
Willow kept walking slowly to the mare, until she was only about ten yards away.
"Shhh, it's ok girl, I wont hurt your foal."

The mare was restless, whinnying, hoping that her foal would jump to life any second.
Another crash of lightening split the air, which was now lit by dawn sunlight.
A rainbow apeared into the western sky. A rainbow of promise.
But just as she bent her head to sniff the foal, a dark figure came lurking towards her.
Her head shot up that instant. The wolf flashed through her mind.
She stepped in front of her foal to protect it.
The cream mare reared into the air and screamed.
It was almost as if she was saying "back off from my foal, preditor!"
She turned around and circled the foal, then reared again, her hooves splashing in the mud.

The cream mare reared into the air and screamed.
It was almost as if she was saying "back off from my foal, preditor!"
She turned around and circled the foal, then reared again, her hooves splashing in the mud.

Willow backed up a little. The cream mare pinned her ears, but didn't rear up again.
Willow decided she best leave to mare alone to mourn.

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